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1.1      Background to the Study

Establishing  an  appraisal   of  budget  is  certainly  the  most  important   act  that  any government performs  for effective control in the public  sector. Therefore, a budget is commonly understood as the focus by a government or its expenditure and revenue or a specific period of time. The generalbudget can be defined as a government plan for revenue and expenditure for the coming fiscal year.

Increasing competition is continually pushing local government council towards more efficient processes  and  slimmer  margins.  Effective  control  have  to  ensure  that  their resources  are  used  most  effectively,  the  key  to  achieving   operational   excellence, therefore, is in the effective and flexible management of resource, and this means optimizing and scheduling people, processes, vehicles, equipment, and materials so that utilization is maximized while goals are met.

Eastland  (2017)  define  resource  management  refers  to  managing  the  resources  of  a company, project or department. This mean managing resources such as finance, human skills and information technology or in a larger corporation, managing the resource over multiple departments and projects.  Resource  management  can  include  ideas  such  as making sure one has  enough  physical  resources  for  one’s  business,  but not  an overabundance so that products won’t  get used, or making sure that people are assigned to tasks that will keep them busy and not have too much downtime.

The wealth  of  any  organization  is to  a  very  great  extent  determined  by  its human resources. The place of human effort as a resource for any organizational productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in operational cannot be overemphasized.  This capacity building developing and maintaining well trained, skilled experienced and quality human resources that will carry out the various task of the organization becomes an issue of important. One of the major constraints to development is lack of adequate and effective managed human resources.  It was not surprising, therefore when Barker (2017) echoed that successful implementation .of a development plan is basically refers to the strategic measurable goals that a person, organization plans to meet within a certain amount of time.

Rahman (2014) materials constitute 70% of the bulk requirement the possibility is to curtain cost to the minimum. You have encountered checking, inspection, quality control function of material management. But amazingly it is found that most organizations takes good care of cash by providing it with high security than materials irrespective of its highest share of organizational resources. This should not be so; materials which have the lion share of the organizational resources should be provided with adequate security and should be managed properly by competent and efficient personal Cammer 1996). At thewake of 20thcentury many organizations had recognized the role of materials and most material  activities  were  carried  out by  autonomous  department  such  as  purchasing warehousing, stock  control,  and  distribution  which  at  the  same  time  was  creating problems.

As development proceeds and the structure and organization of the economy become increasing complex, the failure of financial management assures increased complexity.

As many factors have been identified it will enable the researcher to ask how and why these causes have surface, what are the conditions for proper financial management.


1.2      Statement of the Problem

The  challenge  in  most  organizations  has  posed  a  threat  on  the  realization  of  its development and the achievement of its set objectives. This is as a result of fundamental issues of inadequate and improper acquisition, utilization and maintenance of its human resources.

The underutilization  of human  resources  in the Lagos  State particularly  in Ifelodun Council Development  Area  Ajegunle  has  seriously  led the  organization  into  a  mess because  human  factor  is  not  properly  managed.  Mismanagement  is  another  serious problem facing our organization today and has reduced it to nothing  as people are no longer kin with their work not ready to own up to vital resources in the organization.

The  factors that  are responsible  for the failure  is financial resources  management  is neglected and has made them to lose a substantial pay of their fund through fraudulent act, indiscriminate financing,  poor  management,  lack  of zealousness  and experienced personnel and inability to utilized its financial potentials etc.


1.3     Aim and Objectives of the Study

  1. To identify the need of developing employee programme in an organization.
  2. To examine the impact of material resource management in public sectors  ofIfelodun Local Council Development Area Ajegunle.
  3. To investigate the causes of inadequacies in financial resource  management.
  4. To identify and ascertain some of the problems posed by materials  management.
  5. To examine the problem of development employee productivity   for efficiency.

1.4     Relevant Research Questions

  1. Why is it that the objective of budget have not been achieved in public sectors?
  2. What are the causes of poor’ implement of budget?
  3. Why targeted goals or budget have never been meet in public sector.

1.5      Relevant Research Hypotheses

Hypothesis    1

Ho:      Resource  management   does not playa   significant  role in public  sector.

H1:      Resource management plays a significant role in public sector.

Hypothesis II

Ho:      Budget does not have any significant implication to the development of the public sector.

H1:       Budget has significant implication to the development of the public sector.

Hypothesis III

Ho:      The human resource management challenges in the public sector does not have any significant impact on the economic growth

H1:       The human resource management challenges in the public sector has significant impact on the economic growth

Hypothesis IV

Ho:      Most government spending has a negative economic impact

H1:       Most government spending has a positive economic impact


1.6     Significance of the Study

  1. The result of the work will help policy makers in the area of public finance to know how to tackle some of their problem which has been research on.
  2. It is also indeed anticipated that this research work will be of immense help to the academic and others who may fine study in valuable source of materials for their future research work.
  3. This research  will  help  to  correlate,  compare  and  coordinate  the  financial administration of the various government department.


1.7     Scope of the Study

The study is to assess the role of resource management on organizational development. The  study  will  be  restricted  to  Lagos  State particularly  in  Ifelodun  Local  Council Development Area of Ajegunle. Man, material, money and machines constitute the resources of an organization.

Data were collected and used based on records gotten from the organization and it only covered records on past years as relevant information which were supposed to be gotten based  on recent  and  current  events  were  not  given  due  to  problems  arising  in  the organization in form of mismanagement, fraud etc. Other materials are from textbooks, journals, periodicals, internet browsing etc will serve as the secondary source of data for the research study.

1.8 Operational   Definition  of Terms

Inordertowordanyformofambiguityasregardstothetermsusedinthisresearchwork, the following are given optional definition.

Human Resource Planning (HRP): This is the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time.

Productivity:Productivity is the measurement how well resources are brought together in organizations and utilized for accomplishing a set of results. Productivity is reaching the highest level of performance with the least expenditure of resources.

Organization:This is the process of dividing ‘work in to convenient tasks or duties or grouping such duties in the formal  posts delegation of authority to each post and approvingqualifiedstafftoberesponsiblethattheworkiscarriedoutasplanned.

Motivation: Motivation is the term used to describe those processes both instructive and rational by which people seek to satisfy the basic desires, perceived needs and personal goals which trigger human behaviour.

Forecasting: Is the process of estimating the future number of people required and the skills and competence they will need.

Material Management: This is defined as the grouping under one head all or some of the activities involved in the organization and use of materials employed from the need stage up to the storage of finishing goods.

Budget: A budget is a financial plan for a defined period of a years.

Sourcing: This is referred to the investigation and evaluation of courses of supply and suppliers.

Negotiation:  Is a process of planning, receiving and analyzing used by both buyer and seller to arrive at an acceptable agreement through common understanding.

Issue: issue is the withdrawal of goods and handover of some of user backed with authorized documents.

Financing Management: This is concern with the acquisitions, financing and management  of assets with some overall goal in mind or concerns with the planning and control of the firm’s financial resources.


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